Tethering the mavic 2

When mentioning about tethered drone solutions, people often relate to extending the drone’s flight time. However, the mission’s main character, the type of drone itself, is often overlooked.

With Phantom 4 and Mavic 2 becoming (if not already) the most popular series, it seems like DJI is aiming to build less bulky devices. Perhaps, they are the baby steps to DJI’s ultimate goal of shrinking technology while maintaining its quality. 

Such a vision is a blessing for consumers but a curse for tethered station manufacturers. It makes compatibility become more than a simple problem as different-sized drones require different modifications. Therefore, we thought: let’s try to make that one specialized tethered drone box for that most popular compact drone in the market!

Nonetheless, this article is not about the V-Line. This article is about why it makes sense to tether the Mavic 2:

Mavic 2 is a compact drone with high quality:
Mavic 2’s simplicity in design doesn’t imply modest quality. In fact, Mavic 2 is famous for its beautiful photography, especially with its Hasselblad camera. Each drone of the Mavic 2 series has a trick of its sleeves: the Zoom can do the “dolly zoom” cinematic shot; the Enterprise (M2E) can have a speaker, spotlight, or a beacon; and the Enterprise Dual (M2ED) can even do thermal inspections. Not to mention every Mavic 2 is sturdy and has an obstacle-avoidance technology for operating in various terrains.

Perks of the small drone: 
Typical perks of a Mavic would be its portability, simple operation, and a more affordable price compared to other series. Portability may not be a big advantage to many users, but its simple operating system is something to consider. Within seconds, you can already set up and take off. Imagine how much time and money you save for a mission using a Mavic 2.

Now imagine it can fly indefinitely:
Like any DJI drones, the Mavic 2 will have “the common battery life problem”. A typical Mavic 2 can only fly for about 30 minutes, which is actually similar to any other type of drone’s flight time. But what if it can fly for an indefinite time while producing the quality results as other tethered drones would? What kind of possibilities will a tethered Mavic open?

Tethered Mavic 2 solutions will not just be short-run inspections. It will be on-a-budget sports analysis, traffic monitoring, or even no fly-zone inspection where big drones are not ideally used. It can be more than just inspections. You can have a speaker on the Mavic 2 and let it be your portable public announcer. Or you can have an LED light on the drone and let it be your mobile lamppost, etc... The extension in flight time along with the compact design creates an extension in possibilities. Now, that’s how tethering the Mavic 2 can make a difference.

None of this would be considered if Mavic 2 isn’t compact and relatively inexpensive to other drones. You don’t necessarily need a bulky drone to complete your tethered operation. You need quality, and quality with compactness is what Mavic 2 has.

Tethered drone solutions have been coming around. But if you could, would you choose to tether the Mavic 2?


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